2023 Theme

My Theme for 2023 is a Year of Art.

You may be asking yourself, “What is a theme?”
Well here is a brief youtube video to introduce the concept:

Here is the link directly to it on youtube if the video doesn’t play: https://youtu.be/NVGuFdX5guE

This video is how I was introduced to this concept a few years ago. Since then I’ve done a theme for each year. In 2021, I did a Year of Health. In 2022, I did a Year of Discipline.

So that brings me to my 2023 theme of a Year of Art.

Now why did I choose this to be my theme:
Well I have a full-time job and a cat, and yet I have been feeling dissatisfied with my limited personal time and what I do with it. So, as I stare at my collection of blank canvases and drawers full of unfinished and unstarted creative work, I have decided that by choosing my 2023 theme to be a Year of Art, I can work to become more fulfilled in my personal time while also finishing all the artistic projects I have began and get better at doing the art I want to do.

You’ll never get better if you never do.